Epoxy Cartridge Systems

ProductKey PropertyHardness
CLR1730/ CLH6372

Heat and chemical/fuel resistant adhesive/laminating.

Color: Lt. Amber. • Filled Y/N: N. • Cartridge: 4:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 2,000. • Pot Life @RT: 30 min. • Gel @RT: 40 min.

CLR1220/ CLH6858

5 min. gel general purpose adhesive.

Color: Lt. Amber. • Filled Y/N: N. • Cartridge: 1:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: Lt. Thixo. • Pot Life @RT: 3 min. • Gel @RT: 5 min. 

CLR1190/ CLH6830

5 min. gel general purpose adhesive.

Color: Lt. Amber. • Filled Y/N: N. • Cartridge: 1:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 20,000. • Pot Life @RT: 3 min. • Gel @RT: 5 min.

XRD2008/ CLH6770

Clear indoor table top coating/decoupage.

Color: Clear. • Filled Y/N: N. • Cartridge: 2:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 2,400. • Pot Life @RT: 15 min.  Gel @RT: 18 min.

CLR1205/ CLH6770

Clear low viscosity semi-flexible adhesive/sealant.

Color: Clear. • Filled Y/N: N. • Cartridge: 2:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 1,500. • Pot Life @RT: 15 min. • Gel @RT: 25 min.

CLR1190/ CLH6140

General purpose variable substrate adhesive.

Color: Amber. • Filled Y/N: N • Cartridge: 2:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 13,000. • Pot Life @RT: 2 hrs. • Gel @RT: 3 hrs.

CLR1190/ CLH6025

General purpose variable substrate adhesive.

Color: Amber. • Filled Y/N: N. • Cartridge: 2:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 4,000. • Pot Life @RT: 30 min. • Gel @RT: 45 min.

CLR1020/ CLH6021

Semi-flexible epoxy adhesive and casting system.

Color: Amber. • Filled Y/N: N. • Cartridge: 1:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 2,800. • Pot Life @RT: 1 hr. • Gel @RT: 2 hrs.

CLR1180/ CLH6520

Flexible epoxy casting and potting system.

Color: Amber. • Filled Y/N: N. • Cartridge: 1:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 750. • Pot Life @RT: 2 hrs. • Gel @RT: 2.5 hrs.

XRD2148/ XH92149

Bonding metal and aggregate, good thermal cycling.

Color: Tan. • Filled Y/N: Y. • Cartridge: 1:1. • Mixed Viscosity @RT: 30,000. • Pot Life @RT: 1 hr. • Gel @RT: 3 hrs.
